
From the Archives - Providing Company Contacts in a Filing

Did you know that we publish the prior month?s weekly tips to our online Weekly Tips Archive at the beginning of each month? The archive is searchable by keywords, or you can filter by year and/or category. Over the next few weeks, we will re-publish a few of our most frequently cited weekly tips from the archives. Stay tuned!

In this week?s tip, the Insurance Compact Office asks filers to please include contact information for more than one person at the company when making a SERFF filing submission.

The Insurance Compact Office is occasionally required to reach out to a filing company about a filing submission outside of SERFF. If the contact information included in the SERFF filing is not relevant, the contact provided is out of the office, or there is an error in the email address provided, approval could be delayed as we work to track down the correct contact information.

It is a best practice for the contact provided in SERFF to be an active SERFF user, so that any notes to filer sent by the Compact team will be retrieved in a timely manner. The Compact team also suggests companies provide an alternate contact in a Note to Reviewer.

Additionally, if you are taking over a series of filing submissions for someone that once was a part of your team, please let us know. This way, if there is any outside correspondence regarding the filing submissions, you will receive it in a timely manner. You may let us know of changes in submission staffing via a separate email to, or by entering a Note to Reviewer in any affected filings.

If you have any questions about what contact information to include in your SERFF filing, or filing with the Insurance Compact in general, please contact the Insurance Compact Office.


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