
Form Schedule Best Practices Vol. 2 Consistency is Key

This weeks tip takes us back to the basics of form filing. All filers will benefit from the second in a series of tips outlining best practices for completing the Form Schedule in SERFF. 

Before submitting your filing in SERFF, double-check that the form number in the Form Schedule column matches the number on the form itself (as well the number on the Statement of Variability and the number on the Actuarial Memorandum, if applicable). If you use a PDF file name or Product Name reflecting the form number, these should also be consistent with the desired form number. Consistency is key, and submitting a filing in which the numbers on the attached forms and other documentation and SERFF data fields do not match the numbers on the form schedule can affect the review time while issues on these basic details are spotted and corrected.

If you have any questions about completing the Form Schedule in your Compact filing, or about filing with the Insurance Compact in general, please contact the Insurance Compact Office.

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