
Insurer Resources and the First Timer Filers Checklist

Last week the Insurance Compact Office released a new tool geared for the first time filer, that is a great resource for all filers, the first time filers checklist. One of the points we make in the checklist is to review the various tools on the Insurer Resources page of the website. This week’s tip also highlights those tools.

The Insurer Resources page is divided into various boxes of relevant information. There is a box dedicated to getting started with the Compact as well as information pertaining to the filing fees. These tools are updated as new information and issues arise, and marked with the date of publication. Filers of all skill levels should review the information on a regular basis to maintain currency. Likewise, all filers should keep items in the “Creating a Compact Filing” as desktop references.

  1. The specific link “Creating a Compact Filing” contains step-by-step instructions for preparing a Compact filing submission.  
  2. The “Best Practices Checklist” was devised to help filers minimize the number of basic objections – i.e. did you select the right TOI and sub-TOI? This checklist was developed as the result of objections not related to requirements for form or actuarial provisions. Take heed of previous mistakes and adhere to this checklist for a more efficient review process.

If you have any questions regarding this information or filing with the Insurance Compact, please contact the Compact via email at

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