
List of Adopted Uniform Standards

Did you know the Compact has a list of all adopted Uniform Standards published on its website? There are two places where this list is linked. We are not sharing the link in this tip, so that readers can hunt for the tip and find new Compact content!

This list of Uniform Standards can be found on the Standards landing page and then the Industry Resources landing page. If you click on Standards or Industry Resources on the top tool bar and then click the same word on the drop down, you will be taken to the landing page. The landing pages mentioned in this tip both have a simple link to the list of all adopted Uniform Standards.

This list has all of the Uniform Standards provided by product line with the date of adoption and the effective date for the Standards. It also includes, if the Standards were amended, the successive effective dates. This list was created as a tool to assist filers identify the numerous Standards the Compact has in place. 

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