Rulemaking Committee
Director Larry Deiter, Chair - South Dakota
Superintendent Robert Carey, Vice Chair - Maine
Commissioner Mark Fowler - Alabama
Director Lori K. Wing-Heier - Alaska
Commissioner Trinidad Navarro - Delaware
Commissioner Gordon I. Ito - Hawaii
Director Dean L. Cameron - Idaho
Commissioner Holly W. Lambert - Indiana
Commissioner Vicki Schmidt - Kansas
Commissioner Sharon P. Clark - Kentucky
Commissioner Tim Temple - Louisiana
Commissioner Michael T. Caljouw - Massachusetts
Commissioner Grace Arnold - Minnesota
Commissioner Mike Chaney - Mississippi
Acting Director Mick Campbell- Missouri
Commissioner Mike Causey - North Carolina
Director Elizabeth Kelleher Dwyer - Rhode Island
Commissioner Scott A. White - Virginia
Commissioner Patricia E. Kuderer - Washington
Commissioner Allan McVey - West Virginia
1. To collaborate as regulators from Compacting States to develop recommendations for consideration, approval, and adoption by the Management Committee and/or the Interstate Insurance Product Regulation Commission (Insurance Compact Commission).
2. To develop new and amended Operating Procedures and Rules, including guidelines and instructions, to implement, interpret, or prescribe policy or describe the organization, procedure, or practice requirements of the Commission, its rulemaking activities, and implementation of its Uniform Standards.
3. To regularly review, but no less than every five years, Operating Procedures and Rules to ensure they are relevant and appropriate for the current nature, circumstances and scope of the Commission and its committee and product operations.
4. To provide regulatory expertise on administrative and procedural requirements for the Commission and its operations, including responding to requests for technical expertise or special projects assigned by the Management Committee and the Insurance Compact Commission.
5. To confer with the Legislative Committee, Consumer Advisory Committee and Industry Advisory Committee regarding Operating Procedures and Rules and proposed recommendations.
Past Events
Rulemaking Committee Regulator-Only Call
Friday, 5/12/2023 1:00 PM Eastern Time (ET)
Call Summaries 2023
Call Summaries 2022
Call Summaries 2020
Susan Ezalarab
Regulatory Coordinator Consultant